Thursday, November 5, 2015

Here Are 8 Signs of Merkaba or Light Body Activation

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Imagine for a moment that you are a being with a secret energetic force field of light that has miraculous powers. It can provide you with limitless divine energy, attract the life you want, and even help you travel into other dimensions. Wouldn’t it be amazing to have such a thing? Guess what? You do! It’s called a merkaba and its powers can help transform your life.

What Is Merkaba Exactly?
The word MERKABA is associated with the spiritual teachings of many ancient cultures, but most notable the ancient hebrews and ancient egyptians. It is an energy field or vehicle of divine light used for ascension. “Mer” means light, “Ka” means spirit, and “Ba” means body. Simply put, it's your light body - and we all have one.

What Does It Look Like?
Your merkaba is a star tetrahedron. If you can envision a three dimensional star of david, you’ve got the picture. It is two triangular pyramids intersecting to form an eight-pointed star. The top pyramid connects us to the heavens, while the bottom anchors us to the earth. The pyramid also represent The Yin/Yang, or Feminine and Masculine energies, with the top as masculine and bottom as feminine.
This energy field surrounds your body, including your auric field. Although somewhat close to your body, once your merkaba is activated it can expand up to 55 Feet across and appear to resemble a flying saucer.

8 Signs You Are Going Through A Merkaba Activation
Merkaba is a state of total awareness. When we fill our spiritual fields with an immaculate amount of love, a perpetual light starts to fuel our souls, which awakens our light body or Merkaba. Merkaba gives us the ability to unlock the 4th and 5th dimensions of our physical and spiritual human form. Here are the signs of a Merkaba or light body activation.

1. Intense physical pain marks Merkaba
You will have persistent episodes of body aches, flue etc. This pain can be traced back to our DNA. When a light body is forming, significant changes are happening at the genetic level. Although this might have a bruising impact on your physical form temporarily, in the long run, it frees you of disease and slows down the effects of ageing.

2. Sadness will strain you, and you will not be able to track down the reason behind it because there isn’t one
This happens because you are shedding your past life. You are clearing the debris that has accumulated over the course of your entire life and replacing it with unceasing light.

3. You will find it hard to settle in a job
You’ll lose heart in the whole concept of careers. You will feel as if working and earning money is meaningless. This mindset will continue to linger on until you find a job that you genuinely love.

4. Isolation is one of the common symptoms of Merkaba
You will retire from the company of your close friends, family and loved ones. Even if you’re in their company, you’ll feel lonely and distraught. Merkaba breaks the old bonds and replaces them with new ones. This Karmic destruction is inevitable no matter how much you try to resist it. After the light body is formed, you will regain your ability to build new bonds.

5. Your sleep patterns will be erratic
You might wake up at 2 am in the night and feel suffocated. It’s because your body is expending a lot of energy during the formation of the light body. Instead of going back to bed, you can stay awake and indulge yourself in a healthy activity.

6. Nightmarish dreams are likely to haunt you 
You might feel trapped in these disturbing dreams. They’ll seem extraordinary real and convincing.

7. During Merkaba, you’ll feel as if you’re afloat 
You’ll feel as if there is a buoyant force trying to pull you towards the skies. You might also feel trapped between two worlds. Your consciousness skips ahead of your body during Merkaba, and a feeling of ascension might ensue because of it.

8. You might find yourself preoccupied with thought, conversing with your inner consciousness, trying to constantly communicate with it. You’re trying to develop a healthy rapport with it.
As the conversations increase, you’ll both get to know each other better, and the uneasiness between you and your consciousness will fade away. After sometimes, it will feel as if you’re talking to a friend and words will start to come easy.

