Monday, November 13, 2017

What 2018 May Look Like For You (According to Your Zodiac Sign)

2018, 2018 horoscope, 2018 astrology

The horoscopes for the year 2018 are done manually by experienced astrologers who employ scientific techniques and calculations and incorporate the planetary positions. These predictions show you opportunities and hindrances that you are likely to face through the course of the year. The influences of the planets on your life is of paramount importance and is held in high regard in our divination techniques.

The main strength of these horoscopes is that they are totally reliable, precise and trustworthy. As the horoscopes are a translation of the planetary positions, their aspects and stations, they give a clear picture of your future completely for the year ahead.

Pay heed to the advice presented to better transform your life. All areas of your life like career, marriage or relationship, health and finance can be tackled more effectively when you have a glimpse of your yearly horoscope. Read below to find out what 2018 may look like for you (according to your zodiac sign).

ARIES (March 21st - April 19th)
You have been working incredibly hard, Aries. 2018 will be the year where everything you’ve dreamed of comes to fruition. However, you’re prone to frustration when things don’t go your way immediately. Your patience will be tested this year- but hang in there. There are wonderful things in store for you.

According to the Aries Horoscope 2018, get ready to temper your steel and hone your metal Aries as you launch into a year when your dreams will be realised if you knuckle down and organise yourself as never before. Aries often sabotages the race just near the finish line by loosing focus or becoming impatient. But not this time…got it!! With powerful Pluto and Saturn also arriving in the career sector for the next 2 years your actions now will mean the difference between long-term power outcomes and missing the race completely.

TAURUS (April 20th - May 20th)
This past year has consisted of building and solidifying various aspects of your life. In 2018, you will continue to gain clarification on those uncertain or unstable parts. Take advantage of this learning and growing period, Taurus.

What a year is in store for the bull! According to the Taurus Horoscope 2018, your stars are on the rise, dear Taurus. With many of the key planets traveling above the horizon, this is probably going to be a more public year and also one where you feel a greater sense of control over your own life. With the planet Uranus stationed in your solar first house it will be anything but boring. Your creativity is at an all time high. Believe in yourself, leave no stone unturned and watch while your world changes around you. This is the year when you can find true love or draw closer to a present attachment. If you are married, your relationship will feel closer than ever. Busy enough for you, Taurus?

GEMINI (May 21st - June 20th)
2018 will be a year of growth for you. You will continue to explore your identity and begin to understand your purpose in the world. There will be new and exciting opportunities presented to you – make sure you take them if they sound promising.

The Gemini astrology 2018 predictions suggest that you will be learning how to pick up the most valuable pieces from the past and move them into the future, rising, phoenix-like from the ashes. Some of you may feel more drawn to the mystical, hidden, spiritual side of life.

CANCER (June 21st - July 22nd)
This year is your year. You will feel empowered, and with this feeling, you will selflessly give your love to the world. It’s also important that you take time to reflect on your emotions, your decisions, and on the past year in order to approach the New Year with a new perspective.

The 2018 Cancer horoscope predictions suggest that you’ll be more inclined to be assertive and speak up when you want to get things off your chest and won’t be backwards in coming forwards with your ideas and opinions. The air can get a little blue at times as you cross swords with those with other opinions, but at least it helps to sharpen your mind and hone your own ideas.

LEO (July 23rd - August 22nd)
As a Leo, you bring a certain magnetizing energy to any room you’re in. This year will be no different. It will also be filled with new and exciting possibilities that make your heart race with excitement. This year will also be the year that you expel all negativity from your life.

The Leo astrology 2018 predictions suggest that your working or personal social agenda is likely to be bulging at the seams one way or another BUT you’ll have to be careful not to overestimate or underestimate another’s capabilities or intentions.

This is a very progressive area so the internet may be involved or something techno at the cutting edge. Prepare to be amazed and inspired by new concepts or an innovative approach.
New associations will be pivotal to your being able to move towards a long cherished goal. This energy could draw a teacher towards you, someone to guide or advise you or someone you can consult for their expertise or refreshing take on things. But also you may be seen as the teacher and guide yourself.

VIRGO (August 23rd - September 22nd)
Next year will be one of self-discovery. This means that there may be some changes that you have to adapt to, but don’t be afraid. Although you are sometimes wary of change, it’ll be good for you – especially because it’ll give you the opportunity to further work on yourself.

The Virgo horoscope 2018 shows that Venus will be bringing good vibes into your area of career and overall life direction, meaning more doors swinging open. It’s more likely you achieve recognition, receive praise or more support for your goals and plans. At times it may have been hard for you to discover your true place or there may have been mysterious health issues like allergies or misdiagnosis for you or yours. Many of you may have successfully employed the ‘softer’ remedies to treat ailments such as spiritual healing and EFT etc. Or become involved in healing yourself.

LIBRA (September 23rd - October 22nd)
As a Libra, you are used to giving all of yourself to other people. In 2018, you will finally switch some of your focus to yourself. You’ll find that you’re more well-equipped to help others once you help yourself first.

The Libra Horoscope 2018 shows that Venus will be in a great angle to your Sun sign when it is in Gemini. Warm connections with those at a distance or travel may be centred around a close relationship or friendship. Legal matters could go well during this Venus transit too. Also you will be more attracted to exotic or alien environments or a faraway culture over this time. Also education, so being the teacher or student or the disseminator of information, the advisor, or guide is more likely. A great vibration for broadcasting on to a grander stage, but also for getting involved in publishing, politics, the law or communications media. Your awareness and knowledge base will certainly grow during this expansive period.

SCORPIO (October 23rd - November 21st)
This year will consist of developing your inner strength and self-acceptance. In the past, you have mainly kept to yourself. 2018 will present you with certain situations where you’ll find that you have to reach out to others.

The Scorpio horoscope 2018 shows that Venus will be in a long transit through your joint financial area which means you should make hay while the sun shines and there is a fair cosmic wind blowing in your direction. Someone could be your banker or pick up the tab for you when you need it. Just make sure you realize this is a finite period during which you can do better if you play your cards right and do not expect things to stay the same forever. Overall you should feel more supported, this may be financially or with other types of much needed resources. Overall you should feel more settled emotionally because of a relationship.

SAGITTARIUS (November 22nd - December 21st)
You will see dramatic changes in your personal relationships in 2018 – both with friendships and with romantic relationships. Remember to take it slow; you’ll be rewarded.
You’ll be entertaining new possibilities as you get a broader perspective and start to see the overview. The expansive, benevolent influence of Jupiter will encourage you to new understanding and appreciation and could plunge you into unfamiliar scenarios all of which broadens your understanding of human nature.

CAPRICORN (December 22nd - January 19th)
The past few years may have been a little rocky, however your determination and hard work will finally pay off in 2018. Make sure you take a little time for yourself before you dive headfirst into new goals.

The 2018 Capricorn horoscope predicts that this is a time when your creative self-expression will be amplified. It’s also tremendously helpful to bring romance into your life, or just to enjoy a more playful, or loving environment – or both! You may grow through your contact with children or animals, or have more access to activities where your inner child can come out to play.

AQUARIUS (January 20th - February 18th)
This upcoming year will be marked by major change. You might feel as though you have lost control over what happens in your life. If you do, take a step back and remember that you have the power to determine how you react to new things.

The Aquarius horoscope 2018 shows that Venus will be in a great aspect to your Sun sign over this year bringing romance into your life or more of a social life centred around leisure pursuits or entertainment or performance, whether formal or informal.

The 2018 Aquarius horoscope predicts that someone could be bugging you with their behaviour, but also at this time you and someone may be getting a lot closer and things can get pretty sizzley. Or it could be that you both share a passion, a deep interest in common which jointly you find compelling.
Out with the old and in with the new is a feature of this time.

PISCES (February 19th - March 20th)
You are the selfless friend – you’re always there for people when they need you. In 2018, you will continue to do so, however, you will also begin to recognize the importance of self-care. This year will present you with new opportunities that will help you unlock your inner potential- and you will rejoice in your new confidence!

The Pisces horoscope 2018 shows that Venus will be lighting up your area of home, family and community over this period making it a more sociable, easy going place. You should feel happier and more in balance because the environment tends to be more to your liking over this phase. This phase could bode well for landing a bargain in a property exchange or with anything to improve the comfort zone if you play your cards right!

