Sunday, January 28, 2018

Do These 8 Tricks To Unlock The Most Important Power Of Your Soul

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The human soul is capable of many things. We are actually much more powerful than you might think we are. However, you have to really channel your energy to unlock your true powers. Here’s how to do it.

It is more than likely that you have had at least one moment in your life, where you thought someone was trying to tell you something. It is described as more of an eerie feeling, but it’s actually a very comfortable feeling. You just know something isn’t right.

Does this sound familiar? If it does, you’ve experienced something called intuition. Intuition is the most powerful form of intelligence, and there is much to be gained from it too.

Real intuition can often be described as overwhelming. It is one of the strongest emotions that a person can feel, and listening to it can lead to along the right path – or get you off the wrong one.
Scientists claim that intuition is the highest form of intelligence. They describe it as a chunk of information that cannot be processed quickly enough by our conscious minds.

However, other parts of the brain do get the message. This is what results in the gut feeling, deja vu, or other intuitions.

It is this part of your brain that shamans and psychics tap into. They do this to communicate with spirit guides and reveal information from the higher levels of consciousness. If you are looking to fully unlock your spirit intuitions, do these 8 tricks.

1. Meditate
In order to enter a calm and relaxed state, meditating is an excellent way to start out. By doing this, connect to your spiritual self, and disconnect with your physical form. Focus on your breathing, the things happening around you, and your third eye.

2. Live in the Present
We often become obsessed with things that do not matter. We might obsess with something that might be happening in the future, or we could also be worried about something that has already happened. Both of these thinking conditions can disrupt your spiritual contact, so live in the now.

3. Use Your Senses
To practice strengthening intuition, do reality checks throughout the day. See, smell, hear taste, and touch can go a lot further than you think. They even might reveal a lot you never noticed.

4. Trust your Gut
If you are stressing about a situation, always trust your gut feeling. Whether it is pertaining to a small decision or a large one, trusting your gut is one of the most prominent signs that you’re unlocking your intuition.

5. Feel the Vibrations
When the spirit world is trying to tell you something, they typically do so by sending sharp vibrations up your spine. Lie completely still and focus on these vibrations. The more you try, the more you feel them.

6. Let your Spirit Guide Direct You
Spirit guides are always trying to tell you the correct thing to do. They are especially going to send you signs if you are on the right path, and they will lead you there if you are astray. All you have to do is listen.

7. Be Aware
Stay aware of your reality at all times, and be aware that you are aware of your reality. Doing this will enable you to identify the difference between the physical world and the spirit world.

8. Feel the Radiating Energy
As you focus on your intuition, you will gain more and more feelings of energy. You will feel as if you are floating or being shaken with vibrations. It’s nice, and the more you focus on it – the more prominent it becomes.

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by ConsciousReminder

