Monday, January 22, 2018

Understanding the Akashic Records: They Are the Universe

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Do you know that the Akashic Records are the collective memory of the Universe? The Akashic records have many names in theology and philosophy, like the Books of Life and Death, the Tree of Knowledge (and or Life) and the Book of Records. Akasha is a Sanskrit word that means ether or pure substance. In its history, Akasha is a word describing the pure source/universal consciousness itself—the consciousness that transcends individuality and is all things, all at once. The universe itself is all things and the manifestation of these into ideas, happenings, potentials, dreams, and memories (future, past, and present) are the Akashic records. The records are the universe.

To understand them, we could make an analogy of the records being like the Internet. The universe itself is like all of the code and energy that is behind the information we can access through the Internet. The Akashic records would then be the infinite array of articles, pictures, text, and more than we can read on our computers or phones. Behind each picture are thousands of pixels and lines of code, just like each aspect of the records being imbued with pure universal energy.

Past, Present, and Future – Through All Existence
Just like the universe itself, the Akashic records permeate all of existence. There is nothing around us that is record-less, yet we also all have our own individual set of akashic records. These record our personal past, present, and potential futures. As soon as you come out of the source itself and have your first moment of individual consciousness at the birth of your body or soul, your own individual records form.

Since the akashic records are the universe, they are infinitely creative and infinitely able to manifest through each and every one of our consciousnesses, synthesizing with our individuality. Because of this, it is important to be aware of the Akashic records and the infinite potential they hold for us as individuals. The records, when used for manifestation allow us to create any idea, dream anything, and even use the universe’s energy to supply us with healing.

Potential and Guidance, All in One Place
The records often choose not to share a definite and predictable future, since this is fluid because of the divine gift of free will, but this consciousness can help to guide us towards our most light-aligned future. There is a version of us that has the potential to be completely free of ego and the records can and will point this out to us, as long as we open ourselves up to their guidance. Just like surrendering the universe itself, we can surrender to the Akashic records and have the same transcendent experiences.

The records, when working with them, will shove our egos into the light. Like all spirituality, it won’t always be easy work, since the ego resists dissolution, but it will be work that will bring us closer to the universe and to our highest (and happiest) selves. The Akashic records will also provide us with the emotional and energetic strength to face everything that we need to in order to heal. The Akashic records are compassion manifested into consciousness and, since we have our own individual records, we have the ability to access this compassion perfectly catered towards our personal needs. Working with the records provides some of the most personalized and impactful healing.

Get The Most Insight with the Akashic Records
We can intentionally use the records to access past lives as a form of wonderfully insightful meditation. When used for healing, the Akashic records will often abundantly share with us memories from our past lives that are significant towards our current lives, since past patterns can illuminate our current ego. Discerning what the meaning of the past lives which arise and then working through anything attached to them is where the healing powers of the records exist. The records can also be used directly for energy healing, as we can tap into the Universe’s bountiful and loving life force through them. Technically, since the records are pure universe, they have infinite uses in our lives. This, combined with their individual connection to each of us, makes them one of the most powerful consciousnesses to work with.

Since the akashic records generally tend to easily translate insights into mental information, working with them to do any form of universe-aligned spiritual work is easily a beneficial practice. Just trusting that the universe can speak to us through the records is all we need to begin working with the Akashic records. If we are curious about our past lives, the records are a great place to start, since they are a safe way of accessing past memories—no harm can come to us when we meditate with this universal consciousness. All we need is to access them with good intention—primarily for healing and to help us evolve into our highest selves. The Akashic records are something worth acquainting ourselves with because, through them, we can smoothly and safely tap into our infinite potential.

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