Monday, January 15, 2018

What Does 11 Mean in Numerology?

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Master number 11 – With the master number 11 you are inspiration to many people, you are an illumination.

You have a great deal of intuition and energy. You had so much going in your psyche that you were often misunderstood in the early days of your life, which made you shy and probably withdrawn. However you have so much potential than you understand. You tend to shock every situation you enter. You are an inspiration to people with out much effort. Energy seems to always flow through you without your control. This gives you power but at the same time emotional turmoil.

The master number 11 also makes you the channel for information between the lower and higher, around the world of the relative and archetype. Thoughts, Ideas and understanding come to you without having any rational thinking. You have a bridge of connection between your conscious and unconscious realms, you have a high level of psychic intuition which information flow so easily. This allows you the capacity for invention. Many inventors, spiritual leaders, artists and leading figures in history had the number 11 prominent in their chart. To have the number 11 signs, you are either born in the 11th or 29th, 2+9 = 11.

Number 11 Numerology, what does 11 mean in Numerology (Master Number 11)
You are very charged being, most often you experience the consequence of the 2 edged sword. You have great ability but too often you engage in your own criticism. You are often self conscious, you are aware on so many levels that you stand out. Even when you are trying to blend in you still feel out of place. You are very much blessed to play a major role in life.

With the master number 11 you will need to develop yourself to take advantage of the opportunities that may rise. You will need to concentrate on your inner development to materialize the challenges you have been chosen to perform. Most 11’s tend to develop slower as they have more to accomplish than the average person. Which means your real success will be evident much later in life, maybe between the ages of 35 and 45, when you have really progressed along your path.

Spiritual Meaning of 11 and numerology life path 11
The spiritual meaning of 11 is that you have higher intuition and spiritual insight, increased sensitivity, supernatural abilities and empathy, you also have a natural intelligence. The number 11’s are sign of great power either mental or physical. 11 is also the first master number of the three sets, 11, 22 and 33. 11 is the root of all other master numbers.

When you have the spiritual number 11 you are considered an old soul, not because you have unique abilities, or the ability to empathize and understand others, the main reason is that you have a very mature mindset. A child with the master number 11 may only be 12 years old but their thinking maybe close to someone who is 60 years old.

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