Wednesday, March 21, 2018

5 Steps to Overcome the Energy of Fear

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Learning how to face your fears so that you can gather enough courage to face them is one of the first steps to overcoming the energy of fear. Another very important step is to comprehend what fear is.

If you don’t take the time to learn what fear is, you will have a very hard time overcoming your fears. The reason for this is because you can’t overcome fearful emotions when you aren’t even aware of how they are affecting you.

Once you know what your fears are and how they affect you, it becomes easier for you to find solutions to help you overcome them.

What is fear?

Fear is the strongest thought form in the negative polarity. It is a negative form of energy that is often expressed through negative emotions. This negative energy is great for weakening your energy of empowerment, because it puts your mind in a victim consciousness state.

This negative state of mind prevents you from appreciating the gift of love, making it hard for you to comprehend others and appreciate life. The energy of fear also brings chaos into your life and prevents you from accessing your higher senses.

Fear is a powerful emotional energy that bubbles up when we perceive a situation to be threatening in some way, such as when we think something terrible, dangerous, or frightening to us.

Fear is a type of emotional energy that is perceived through us as a neurological response in which a rush of chemical are released by our brain. This response can quicken the heart rate, dilate the pupils, tense the muscles, and even induce sweat in many of us.

In nature, scientists call this phenomenon “fight or flight.” The scientific definition of fear is a built in biological mechanism that prompts us to make decisions in stressful situations to protect us or keep us alive.

Fear can be a survival mechanism but it can also act like a catalyst to motivate us to evolve and become better people. If we didn’t experience fear, we would have a hard time appreciating love.

Even though the energy of fear can help us evolve, too much of it can prevent us from understand others and nature. When unnecessary fear starts to control our mind and emotions too frequently, it can cause a variety of health problems to manifest, such as depression, headaches, anxiety, anger, paranoia, and addiction.

Five ways to overcome your fears and keep them in check

1. Face your fears

We have all heard the old adage to “face your fears,” but there is actually a lot of wisdom in this piece of advice. When it comes to dealing with our fears, many of us try to ignore, suppress, or run away from them. This type of suppression doesn’t help you to overcome your fears and can in fact cause them to resurface in an even more intense way.

To prevent your fears from getting worse, you need to acknowledge and become aware of them. By acknowledging that they exist and identifying what is triggering them, you can begin to conquer your fears.

Another great way to help you face your fears is to learn how to turn fearful information into knowledge of empowerment.

2. Visualize what you fear

Once the source of your fearful emotions has been identified, the next step is to rewire your response to that source by using the power of visualization. For instance, if you are scare of spiders, sit down and visualize yourself sitting in front of a spider.

After you are comfortable with this visualization, visualize yourself playing with spiders. Once you are comfortable visualizing yourself playing with spiders, find a real non-poisonous spider and try to touch it and play with it until you overcome the fear of spider.

3. Leave the past behind

A lot of our fears are driven by past experiences associated with tragic events. While the resurfacing of these fears is often common, in order to drop them for good, you need let go of the notion that what has happened will happen again.

To let go of past experiences in a positive way, you need to find out why you went through those experiences, so that you can learn your lessons and move on. Most of us like to ignore negative past experiences because we are too scare to face them. Ignoring your fears won’t make them go away. In fact, it will compound your emotional problems.

4. Be courageous and have confidence

Easier said than done, right? Well, it doesn’t have to be. Being courageous doesn’t mean that you have to go out and slay a dragon; it means that you need to have confidence in yourself and your ability to overcome all types of situations.

Scientists have recently found that thinking positively during stressful situations can help activate the courageous part of the brain; therefore, it reduces the effects of negative emotions.

The next time you are in a seemingly threatening situation, think about what you can do to stand strong instead of allowing the energy of fear to take control of your decisions.

5. Learn to control your ego

Your ego is a part of your identity that has become lost, confused, and overactive. For these reasons, it likes to trick you into thinking that you are powerless, so that it can stay in control and prevent you from communicating with your soul.

One of the ways it controls you is by saturating your mind with the energy of fear. To have better control of your ego, you need to be more responsible. When you are irresponsible, it makes it easier for your ego to influence your thoughts because you lack confidence in your decisions.

Your ego is a part of who you are. Fearing it will only make it more powerful.

This article was originally published on Energy Fanatics.

