Friday, December 29, 2017

2018 The Year of Illumination

2018, 2018 numerology

2018 is upon us and it is a very exciting time to be alive. 2018 in numerology, adds up to 11. This is a power number and represents illumination. The number stands tall, side by side and strong. It is very powerful, as 1 itself represents, power, self and strength. As there are two of them, in essence the power is doubled.

As the 1’s stand side by side they support each other. They see each other and they recognise each other. This is about illuminating what is around us by seeing it in the other. By recognising it in the world. By seeing it in self by looking in the mirror. The 11 also stand as one.

What comes up for you in 2018 will be VERY illuminating to you.

There may be things that have been hidden or in the dark for a very long time and a light will be shone upon them so there is no more hiding.

This is the year where MANY things will have the light cast upon them on a personal level, and very strongly on the global level.

I wish to say, do not get caught up in what is happening globally, although we can notice it and reference it, to connect to the collective thought of what is happening is not beneficial.
Just notice that the change is occurring and that light is infiltrating the planet in every corner of the globe, and this is a good thing.

Anything that comes up on a personal level is needing attention and also to be cleared out of the closet. So there may be things that may shock and shake you, but know it is for the greatest good that all has come out into the light.

As we have already seen many people and ways are being exposed all over the world, High profile people, companies and dealings are being exposed of who they truly are. This will be amplified in 2018.

At this point here, I wish to reference that there may be things from 2011 ( 7 year cycle) that may arise again. I feel that a 7 year itch is upon many of us, for the 7 is a powerful number spiritually as it represents many things, for example the number of our core chakras or the way our body regenerates its cellular structure every 7 years.

Please note we are all in a different stage of a 7 year cycle, but I feel this is for all those reading this message, that the 7 year itch to shift what was 7 years ago will come to fruition and be completed or make full circle this coming year.

For each of us it will be something different, love, money, relationships, health but whatever it is this year will be the year it will complete. And we will approach it differently but completely. Which is exciting!

All change is positive, yes I know you have heard this many times over, but it is. With change comes upheaval and it is our hearts that are being cleared for more space for light and love and glory!
So with that, know that 2018 will be a great year of illumination of self and others. This year is full of optimism and hope. It is a place for new ways to begin, new shifts to occur on a level like never before.

The 11 year is a powerful year for relationships, standing together in business, love or collaboration with others. This year you will see many like minded people working together for the greater cause of humanity and unity.

It is truly an extraordinary time to be on the planet. We are witnesses to change that has never been seen here before. No matter what hardships you may feel you are going through, know you are surrounded by great love and YOU dear friend, who chose to be here (which is crazy to understand at times), are one of those people who is holding the light for this change. YOU dear friend, is changing the world for the better through your personal experiences.

Know you are deeply thanked by all those who look upon you, upon us all. May you sit in the knowingness that you truly are magnificent. There is always light at the end of the tunnel. Look into your eyes, the seat of your soul and see how much glory and grace you hold.

Stand tall in 2018. Know you are a beautiful light. Know you have the wisdom within to make change. Know you are supported by great love. Know that we are all moving to a space and time of peace, compassion and kindness. Know that you know.

via IN5D

