Tuesday, January 2, 2018

7 Sure Fire Signs You're A Lightworker Or Volunteer

lightworker, signs you're lightworker

Lightworker, starseed, indigo, crystal child, volunteers all these terms essentially describe people who feel they have a mission on planet earth. A drive to fix, improve, help. Something in their gut, a red alert switch that flickers all the time. Something to do, the reason for being here. This leads to the most common question from lightworkers waking up, what is my mission?

The first wave of volunteers are reported to have arrived in the late 1940’s in direct response to the detonation of the atomic bombs in 1945. Dolores Cannon writes extensively about this in her book The Three Waves of Volunteers and the New Earth, this is her reporting of what the intergalactic community chose to do about the destruction and violence on planet earth.

The intergalactic game changer being that atomic war would affect other planets in our solar system as well as possibly beyond (the asteroid belt between Mars and Jupiter is rumored to be the remnants of a planet whose occupiers went down the self destruct route, much like we are doing).

The patriarchal system of control was deemed dangerous, the free will of the planet’s people compromised and a call went out for beings in their feminine energy to volunteer to come down to the planet and raise the feminine energetic frequencies. This would counterbalance the male energy, bringing calm, stability and progress.

These waves of volunteers as we approached and entered the Age of Aquarius are the predicted Return of the Divine Feminine. Gaia’s ascension is the return of the divine feminine, a rising above polarity to higher frequencies of peace, harmony, nature and abundance.

Indigo children and crystal children live in a perpetually higher state of vibration. Their light is shimmering, unfiltered, rainbow colors. Many are diagnosed as autistic, ADHD, anything so that the system can shut them down with drugs and diagnoses. Their very existence raises the vibrations around them.

Starseed, volunteer, lightworker all describe someone who does not feel they come from here, nor do they belong here. Born with varying degrees of amnesia, into a system of control through oppression can lead to confusion and despair. If you’ve wondered does any of this apply to you, here are 7 sure fire signs you are a lightworker or volunteer.

1. You don’t fit in
The language, customs, culture and society are alien. You may have memories of studying your classmates behavior in an attempt to imitate and fit in. You may have always been the outsider or you may be a social butterfly but deep down you know it’s an act, a strategic move of camouflage. You may be in stealth mode, so deep undercover that even you have forgotten you don’t fit in. But at the very center of your being you will know you are not from here.

2. You have always longed for home and been confused as to why here does not feel like home.
You may be a stargazer, sea dreamer, loved up hippie or suited and booted glamazon, yet in your heart there will always have been a cry to contact home.

3. You have a mission.
It’s the reason you are here, it’s why you came and you have to figure it out and do it. This is what keeps you awake at night.

4. You are a giver, service to others.
You will work in a giving environment or deeply wish you did, and believe instinctively in the power of the collective to work together to benefit the whole. This will be in your DNA.

5. You will be naturally drawn to meditation, yoga, sound healing, chanting, drumming, holistic therapies, and esoteric theology.

6. You will have unusual eyes.
People have always commented on your eyes, you will know from a young age, they and you, are different.

7. You will be feminine in your energy (not necessarily gender or sexuality), a sensitive person.
You will lean to nurturing and caring. Your energy field can be sensitive to fluctuations in energetic fields around you. You may avoid crowds and feel more comfortable in small groups or on your own.

The mission is to plant seeds, cause vibrational ripples, anchor light on Gaia’s grid, heal awakening people. This is the mission. By being mindful, kind, gracious, and humble, embodying the spirit of the warrior, for planet earth is a warzone for hearts, bodies and minds, this raising of frequencies can be achieved.

Volunteering is to be at ground zero during a rare, cosmic event offering a unique opportunity to grow karmically. We are able to release stuck, old karma faster riding these cosmic waves of ascension on Gaia than we could in a hundred lifetimes elsewhere.

We also chose the ancestral family we were born into, this was preordained. An integral part of our mission to release old, struck ancestral karma from our chosen families. Breaking down programming, pushing boundaries, digging and releasing, to aid families in their energetic evolution at this incredible time.

Take care of yourself and your frequency field will be light, progressive and loving. Don’t allow the matrix to corrupt you, wear you down, label and medicate you, blocking, limiting, dulling or delaying your energetic impact of healing on others. Play the matrix game by being grounded. Ground your self back into Gaia every day. Say this mantra: I am moving my spirit back into my body, three times as and when you feel disconnected or like floating away or escaping.

Stress and worry hamper the recalibration and upgrade process, blocking it with denser energy. Stay centered and grounded using the routines of the matrix to help regulate your behaviors. Gardening, cooking, knitting, reading, walking, swimming all these kinds of activities allow energetic space for our mind body soul systems to process these quantum upgrades.

This reality is our choice, predetermined, preordained, contracts agreed upon. No matter how big or small the ripples created by lightworkers, the waves of lighter energies is a way of helping this besieged planet without directly interfering with the right to free will.

Lightworkers shine light, higher frequencies wherever they go, illuminating dark corners, challenging matrix programming and sharing love vibrations, even if they do not know this is who they are.
These are the crucial years when mass awakening is occurring across the globe and people are needing help, reassurance, healing, protection, guidance and support. There is a better world, its the fifth dimension, a place Gaia is heading whether her passengers join her or not.

As lightworkers or starseed it is the mission to help facilitate this process from the ground. Every little interaction, the bus driver, your kid’s teacher, your colleagues, every interaction is an opportunity for a volunteer to raise the vibration a notch or two. Our energy field is such that if we are feeling bad we will literally splatter that bad juju everywhere. So be wary lightworkers – fear, greed, envy, paranoia create bad vibes maaaan. Keep yourself recharged, balanced and stay kind and compassionate to the people around you.

These are exciting times, breathe, believe and manifest a beautiful future on Gaia of abundance, equality and love. Literally go spread the light! Namaste. (In5D)
