Friday, January 19, 2018

Can Bad Karma Be Fixed?

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The concept of karma is taught in a number of cultures all across the world. But despite its huge popularity, people still have no clue about what karma is exactly. If you want to understand Karma and want to know what it means exactly, then you are at the right place.

What is Karma?
The concept of karma has its roots in the ancient Indian Vedic philosophy. Karma is described as the concept that, every action has an effect corresponding to it. The effect may be immediate or in next life. Simply put, your every thought and action has consequences. The only way you can get out of this web of karma is by growing from your experiences. You should constantly label your thoughts and actions as good or bad. This way you’ll always learn from your past.

The real definition of Karma vs the Mainstream’s perception of the concept
To most people, karma is what you get or what benefits you reap against your good deeds. But in reality, karma is not at all about getting what you deserve. Instead, it is about you becoming better as an individual. The idea is to learn from our experiences and thus develop our body and soul. The idea becomes a little difficult to understand as according to karma, you’ll reap benefits only when you do good deeds without thinking about the rewards. Deep thought must be thus given to every action.

Collective Karma
The idea behind collective karma is that, as individuals, all of our karma adds up to form the world in which we all live in. Thus, it is the collective responsibility of us all to make this world a better place. You must question your purpose in this world and find you ‘why’. As is indicated in the Hindu philosophy, karma is just another tool for the liberation of our soul.

Can Bad Karma Be Fixed?
We all have this moment at least once in our lifetime where we question ourselves, “what have I done to deserve this type of experiences? I always try to do good for others, but still I get all the bad in the world! All I experience is challenges after challenges.” The answer to this question is linked to the understanding of karma.

Why me?
Well, you might have taken advantage of some other soul at some point in your previous life. Now you are facing problems in understanding how your actions affect others.

Here it is important to understand that our Karma is based not just on our actions, but also on how we think, how we speak, what are our emotions, intentions etc. You must be aware of your thought process all the time to keep it in check.

Here’s the good news!
The good news is that if you have accumulated negative karma, you can correct or minimize it. The trick is to channelize our negative thoughts in some other productive work in order to keep our karmic bank clean.

Karma is not always instantaneous; it may take years and sometimes many rebirths to finally get what your karma has in store for you. So, if you are doing good work, stay patient; Results will come.
Do not get consumed in revenge because of the actions of other people, it will make your karma negative.

Hope this article will help you to leave a passive life behind and live an active life ahead, taking full control of your thoughts and actions. Remember, constant introspection is the key.

